If you’re thinking about painting the inside of your home, consider choosing pastel colors. The spring time colors will help you year round.

Want To Add An Accent Wall To The Living Room? 3 Ways To Incorporate Painting

30 January 2019
 Categories: , Blog

Painting your living room can make a big difference in the way that the space looks and how much you enjoy spending time in the room. If you're interested in painting, but aren't willing to spend the time and money on painting the entire room, you may be better suited for painting just a single accent wall. Instead of getting the entire accent wall painted in a hurry, you'll want to look into exactly what you can do to incorporate paint for an accent wall so that the results look great. Read More …

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Paint Your Home the Colors of Spring

When spring arrives, I always enjoy unpacking my spring wardrobe. My closet is filled with pastel colored pieces of clothing. I simply love the bright colors of spring. A couple of years ago, I decided to paint the inside of my home. For my kitchen, I chose a pale yellow color. I painted my guest bathroom a light blue hue. I picked a soothing green shade for my master bathroom. Now, I can enjoy looking at the beautiful colors of spring all year long in the comfort of my home. If you’re thinking about painting the inside of your home, consider choosing pastel colors. On this blog, you will discover how to incorporate spring colors into an upcoming painting project.
