
If you’re thinking about painting the inside of your home, consider choosing pastel colors. The spring time colors will help you year round.

Painting Services And Maintenance: What You Need To Know

29 July 2018
 Categories: , Blog

Professional painting services can completely transform your home's exterior. After choosing the just-right hue and getting the outdoor aesthetics that you've been dreaming of for years, it's absolutely essential that you properly maintain your new paint. What do you need to know about maintaining your home's exterior color and shine? Take a look at how you can extend the life of the paint and boost your home's curb appeal. Spot Clean  Read More …

3 Good Reasons To Hire A Professional To Paint The Interior Of Your Church

23 May 2018
 Categories: , Blog

As the owner of a church building, your funding can be limited at times, so it is easy to assume that handling certain maintenance tasks on your own or with the help of church members is a good financial decision. However true that may be with certain tasks, painting is something that really should be left to the professionals. Even though painting the interior of a church can seem like one of the more straightforward processes, this is a much more complicated task than painting a regular building. Read More …

Why You Should Paint Your Commercial Building

26 March 2018
 Categories: , Blog

Commercial painting is different from residential painting in many ways. It has a different set of challenges and issues that you need to be aware of before starting the project. If you are a building owner or property manager and have some sort of experience with painting residential properties, this does not mean you will be prepared to handle a commercial paint job. This article focuses on why commercial building owners should repaint their property, and why it is so important to hire professionals who offer commercial painting services. Read More …

Preparing Your Home’s Vinyl Siding For Repainting

8 January 2018
 Categories: , Blog

If you have vinyl siding that's looking worn or dated, a fresh coat of paint may be a good alternative to replacement. Before your painting contractor arrives, there are a few steps you'll want to take first to prepare the siding and your home for this task. Here are some tips you can use to get ready for repainting your home's siding. Replace Any Damaged Sections If you notice that you have a few small damaged sections of vinyl siding, repair or replace them prior to painting. Read More …

Steps To Take Once You Close Escrow On Your New Home To Really Make It Your Own

27 June 2017
 Categories: , Blog

If you are looking for a new home and you have decided on one, then you'll want to make an offer. If the offer is accepted, then you will go in escrow. Once escrow closes then you will be able to take physical possession of the house. At this point, there may be some things that you want to do to the home before you actually move in. Certain things to be done around a house are going to be much easier to do before you have your belongings moved into it. Read More …

About Me
Paint Your Home the Colors of Spring

When spring arrives, I always enjoy unpacking my spring wardrobe. My closet is filled with pastel colored pieces of clothing. I simply love the bright colors of spring. A couple of years ago, I decided to paint the inside of my home. For my kitchen, I chose a pale yellow color. I painted my guest bathroom a light blue hue. I picked a soothing green shade for my master bathroom. Now, I can enjoy looking at the beautiful colors of spring all year long in the comfort of my home. If you’re thinking about painting the inside of your home, consider choosing pastel colors. On this blog, you will discover how to incorporate spring colors into an upcoming painting project.
