Preparing Your Home for Exterior Painting Contractors in the Winter
The winter months present some pretty significant challenges when it comes to doing exterior work on your home. If you are ready to make some major upgrades to your home and do not want to wait for Mother Nature to cooperate, then the following tips can help you.
Clear and Remove Gutters
Winter weather creates a lot of moisture, and much of this liquid will be filtered through the gutters on your home. The constant dripping will pose major problems to the workers and the paint if you try to book a painting contractor right now. By clearing out the gutters, you will help a lot with this obstacle. If it is possible for you to remove the gutters completely for the time being, then that is the ideal way to go.
Power-Wash the Exterior
This is a tricky task, as you will have to watch the weather and choose a day that has warm enough temperatures to make power washing possible. If you can find the right day, then a good power washing will make the task of painting your house a lot easier and faster.
Track the Weather
A little bit of research and preparation can go a long way when it comes to this kind of project. When you call exterior painting contractors to get the ball rolling, knowing the right days to schedule the work that needs to be done will be helpful on both ends. You can save time and will avoid the frustration of having the work canceled because of the weather.
Handle the Landscaping
Most diligent homeowners get their landscaping ready for the winter by trimming back shrubs, cutting the grass short, and clearing all fallen leaves. That being said, this country experienced a beginning of winter with warmer than usual temperatures. In many cases, this meant some extra growth to all those carefully trimmed landscaping elements. You can make exterior painting a lot easier by getting out there and finding and removing anything that might get in the way.
Clear All Snow and Ice
Clearing the snow and ice is vital to the work of exterior painting contractors. The excess water of the ice can mess with the color and consistency of the paint. In addition to this, there are some significant safety issues involved in having professionals scale your home with slick ice and icicles all over it.
These simple tasks will help exterior painting contractors get their work done well despite the low temperatures. You can start off the year right with an amazing-looking home while taking advantage of seasonally low pricing on these services.